Uses of Class

Packages that use AXUIElementRef

Uses of AXUIElementRef in com.jniwrapper.macosx.accessibility

Methods in com.jniwrapper.macosx.accessibility that return AXUIElementRef
 AXUIElementRef AXUIElement.createSystemWide()
          Returns an accessibility object that provides access to system attributes.
 AXUIElementRef AXUIElement.copyElementAtPosition(AXUIElementRef application, java.awt.Point position)
          Returns the accessibility object at the specified position in top-left relative screen coordinates.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.macosx.accessibility with parameters of type AXUIElementRef
 AXUIElementRef AXUIElement.copyElementAtPosition(AXUIElementRef application, java.awt.Point position)
          Returns the accessibility object at the specified position in top-left relative screen coordinates.
 java.lang.String[] AXUIElement.copyActionNames(AXUIElementRef element)
          Returns a list of all the actions the specified accessibility object can perform.
 java.lang.String[] AXUIElement.copyAttributeNames(AXUIElementRef element)
          Returns a list of all the attributes supported by the specified accessibility object.
 java.lang.Object AXUIElement.copyAttributeValue(AXUIElementRef element, java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns the value of an accessibility object's attribute.
 java.lang.Object[] AXUIElement.copyAttributeValues(AXUIElementRef element, java.lang.String attribute, int index, int maxValues)
          Returns an array of attribute values for the accessibility object's attribute, starting at the specified index.
 int AXUIElement.getAttributeValueCount(AXUIElementRef element, java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns the count of the array of an accessibility object's attribute value.
 boolean AXUIElement.isAttributeSettable(AXUIElementRef element, java.lang.String attribute)
          Returns whether the specified accessibility object's attribute can be modified.