package contains auxilious classes for working with native windows,
such as Wnd
, which provides you with useful window related functionality, WindowProc
which is designed for obtaining native window messages etc.See: Description
Interface | Description |
WindowMessageListener |
WindowMessageListener interface.
WindowMessageListenerEx |
Class | Description |
DesktopWindow |
This class provides access to the desktop window.
FlashInfo |
This class represents
FLASHWINFO native structure. |
FlashInfo.FlashOptions | |
GUIThreadInfo |
This class represents
GUITHREADINFO structure. |
MessageBox | |
NonClientMetrics | |
PaintStruct |
This class represents PAINTSTRUCT structure.
SystemMetrics | |
SystemParametersInfo |
Use this class for return / update a system-wide parameter.
Timer |
System timer that executes a callback after a specified timeout value
Timer.Callback | |
TrackMouseEvent |
This class represents TRACKMOUSEEVENT structure.
User32 |
This class wraps functionality provided by user32 library.
Win32DSI |
JAWT platform-specific data structure for Win32.
WindowMessage |
WindowMessage class.
WindowPlacement |
Wrapper for
WindowProc |
This class represents default WINDOWPROC callback.
WindowTools |
This class contains utility functions for accessing native windowing system
Wnd |
This class provides methods and constants to work with native windows.
Wnd.Ancestor |
Enumeration of possible window ancestors.
Wnd.HotKey |
The options class for determining a combination of hot key modifiers.
Wnd.ShowWindowCommand |
ShowWindowCommand class represents enumeration of commands to use in
ShowWindow function.
WndClass |
This class represents WNDCLASS structure.
package contains auxilious classes for working with native windows,
such as Wnd
, which provides you with useful window related functionality, WindowProc
which is designed for obtaining native window messages etc.