public class NSObject extends CObject implements NSObjectProtocol
See the class documentation at the Apple's site: NSObjectConstructor and Description |
NSObject() |
NSObject(boolean autorelease)
Contructs the
NSObject class with the autorelease option on. |
NSObject(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void instancePtr)
Contructs the
NSObject class from pointer. |
NSObject(java.lang.String methodName,
com.jniwrapper.Parameter[] parameters)
Contructs the
NSObject class with static constructor. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CClass |
This method represents the
class() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
accessibilityActionDescription(java.lang.String action) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
accessibilityActionNames() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
accessibilityAttributeNames() |
Id |
accessibilityAttributeValue_forParameter(java.lang.String attribute,
Id parameter)
This method represents the
accessibilityAttributeValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
accessibilityAttributeValue(java.lang.String attribute) |
Id |
accessibilityFocusedUIElement() |
Id |
accessibilityHitTest(NSPoint point) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
accessibilityIsAttributeSettable(java.lang.String attribute) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
accessibilityIsIgnored() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames() |
void |
accessibilityPerformAction(java.lang.String action) |
void |
accessibilitySetValue_forAttribute(Id value,
java.lang.String attribute)
This method represents the
accessibilitySetValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
addObserver_forKeyPath_options_context(NSObject observer,
java.lang.String keyPath,
NSKeyValueObservingOptions options,
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void context)
This method represents the
addObserver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
alertShowHelp(NSAlert alert) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
application_delegateHandlesKey(NSApplication sender,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
application_openFile(NSApplication sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
application_openFiles(NSApplication sender,
NSArray filenames)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
application_openFileWithoutUI(Id sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
application_openTempFile(NSApplication sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
application_printFile(NSApplication sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
application_printFiles(NSApplication sender,
NSArray filenames)
This method represents the
application() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
applicationDidBecomeActive(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidHide(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidResignActive(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidUnhide(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationDidUpdate(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
applicationDockMenu(NSApplication sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
applicationOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows(NSApplication sender,
boolean flag)
This method represents the
applicationShouldHandleReopen() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication sender) |
NSApplicationTerminateReply |
applicationShouldTerminate(NSApplication sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(NSApplication sender) |
void |
applicationWillBecomeActive(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillHide(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillResignActive(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillTerminate(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillUnhide(NSNotification notification) |
void |
applicationWillUpdate(NSNotification notification) |
void |
archiver_didEncodeObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver,
Id object)
This method represents the
archiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
archiver_willEncodeObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver,
Id object)
This method represents the
archiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
archiver_willReplaceObject_withObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver,
Id object,
Id newObject)
This method represents the
archiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
archiverDidFinish(NSKeyedArchiver archiver) |
void |
archiverWillFinish(NSKeyedArchiver archiver) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
attributeKeys() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
authenticateComponents_withData(NSArray components,
NSData signature)
This method represents the
authenticateComponents() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
authenticationDataForComponents(NSArray components) |
Id |
autorelease() |
Id |
awakeAfterUsingCoder(NSCoder aDecoder) |
void |
awakeFromNib() |
void |
bind_toObject_withKeyPath_options(java.lang.String binding,
Id observable,
java.lang.String keyPath,
NSDictionary options)
This method represents the
bind() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
browser_createRowsForColumn_inMatrix(NSBrowser sender,
com.jniwrapper.Int column,
NSMatrix matrix)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
browser_isColumnValid(NSBrowser sender,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
browser_numberOfRowsInColumn(NSBrowser sender,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
browser_selectCellWithString_inColumn(NSBrowser sender,
java.lang.String title,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
browser_selectRow_inColumn(NSBrowser sender,
com.jniwrapper.Int row,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat |
browser_shouldSizeColumn_forUserResize_toWidth(NSBrowser browser,
com.jniwrapper.Int columnIndex,
boolean forUserResize,
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat suggestedWidth)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat |
browser_sizeToFitWidthOfColumn(NSBrowser browser,
com.jniwrapper.Int columnIndex)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
browser_titleOfColumn(NSBrowser sender,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
browser_willDisplayCell_atRow_column(NSBrowser sender,
Id cell,
com.jniwrapper.Int row,
com.jniwrapper.Int column)
This method represents the
browser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
browserColumnConfigurationDidChange(NSNotification notification) |
void |
browserDidScroll(NSBrowser sender) |
void |
browserWillScroll(NSBrowser sender) |
void |
changeColor(Id sender) |
void |
changeFont(Id sender) |
com.jniwrapper.UInt32 |
classCode() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
classDescription() |
CClass |
classForArchiver() |
CClass |
classForCoder() |
CClass |
classForKeyedArchiver() |
CClass |
classForPortCoder() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
className() |
Id |
coerceValue_forKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
coerceValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
comboBox_completedString(NSComboBox aComboBox,
java.lang.String string)
This method represents the
comboBox() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.UInt |
comboBox_indexOfItemWithStringValue(NSComboBox aComboBox,
java.lang.String string)
This method represents the
comboBox() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
comboBox_objectValueForItemAtIndex(NSComboBox aComboBox,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
comboBox() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
comboBoxCell_completedString(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell,
java.lang.String uncompletedString)
This method represents the
comboBoxCell() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.UInt |
comboBoxCell_indexOfItemWithStringValue(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell,
java.lang.String string)
This method represents the
comboBoxCell() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
comboBoxCell_objectValueForItemAtIndex(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
comboBoxCell() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
comboBoxSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification) |
void |
comboBoxSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification) |
void |
comboBoxWillDismiss(NSNotification notification) |
void |
comboBoxWillPopUp(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
commitEditing() |
void |
concludeDragOperation(Id sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
conformsToProtocol(Protocol aProtocol) |
void |
connection_didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLConnection connection,
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
connection_didFailWithError(NSURLConnection connection,
NSError error)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
connection_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLConnection connection,
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
connection_didReceiveData(NSURLConnection connection,
NSData data)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
connection_didReceiveResponse(NSURLConnection connection,
NSURLResponse response)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
connection_handleRequest(NSConnection connection,
NSDistantObjectRequest doreq)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
connection_shouldMakeNewConnection(NSConnection ancestor,
NSConnection conn)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
connection_willCacheResponse(NSURLConnection connection,
NSCachedURLResponse cachedResponse)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
connection_willSendRequest_redirectResponse(NSURLConnection connection,
NSURLRequest request,
NSURLResponse response)
This method represents the
connection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
connectionDidFinishLoading(NSURLConnection connection) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
control_didFailToFormatString_errorDescription(NSControl control,
java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String error)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
control_didFailToValidatePartialString_errorDescription(NSControl control,
java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String error)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
control_isValidObject(NSControl control,
Id obj)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
control_textShouldBeginEditing(NSControl control,
NSText fieldEditor)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
control_textShouldEndEditing(NSControl control,
NSText fieldEditor)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
control_textView_completions_forPartialWordRange_indexOfSelectedItem(NSControl control,
NSTextView textView,
NSArray words,
NSRange charRange,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
control_textView_doCommandBySelector(NSControl control,
NSTextView textView,
Sel commandSelector)
This method represents the
control() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
controlTextDidBeginEditing(NSNotification obj) |
void |
controlTextDidChange(NSNotification obj) |
void |
controlTextDidEndEditing(NSNotification obj) |
Id |
copy() |
Id |
createConversationForConnection(NSConnection conn) |
void |
dealloc() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
description() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
dictionaryWithValuesForKeys(NSArray keys) |
void |
didChange_valuesAtIndexes_forKey(NSKeyValueChange change,
NSIndexSet indexes,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
didChange() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
didChangeValueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
void |
discardEditing() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
doesContain(Id object) |
void |
doesNotRecognizeSelector(Sel aSelector) |
void |
download_decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(NSURLDownload download,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLDownload download,
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didCreateDestination(NSURLDownload download,
java.lang.String path)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didFailWithError(NSURLDownload download,
NSError error)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLDownload download,
NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didReceiveDataOfLength(NSURLDownload download,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 length)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
download_didReceiveResponse(NSURLDownload download,
NSURLResponse response)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
download_shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType(NSURLDownload download,
java.lang.String encodingType)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
download_willSendRequest_redirectResponse(NSURLDownload download,
NSURLRequest request,
NSURLResponse redirectResponse)
This method represents the
download() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
downloadDidBegin(NSURLDownload download) |
void |
downloadDidFinish(NSURLDownload download) |
void |
draggedImage_beganAt(NSImage image,
NSPoint screenPoint)
This method represents the
draggedImage() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
draggedImage_endedAt_deposited(NSImage image,
NSPoint screenPoint,
boolean flag)
This method represents the
draggedImage() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
draggedImage_endedAt_operation(NSImage image,
NSPoint screenPoint,
NSDragOperation operation)
This method represents the
draggedImage() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
draggedImage_movedTo(NSImage image,
NSPoint screenPoint)
This method represents the
draggedImage() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
draggingEnded(Id sender) |
NSDragOperation |
draggingEntered(Id sender) |
void |
draggingExited(Id sender) |
NSDragOperation |
draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal(boolean flag) |
NSDragOperation |
draggingUpdated(Id sender) |
void |
drawerDidClose(NSNotification notification) |
void |
drawerDidOpen(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
drawerShouldClose(NSDrawer sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
drawerShouldOpen(NSDrawer sender) |
void |
drawerWillClose(NSNotification notification) |
void |
drawerWillOpen(NSNotification notification) |
NSSize |
drawerWillResizeContents_toSize(NSDrawer sender,
NSSize contentSize)
This method represents the
drawerWillResizeContents() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
exposedBindings() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
fileManager_shouldProceedAfterError(NSFileManager fm,
NSDictionary errorInfo)
This method represents the
fileManager() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
fileManager_willProcessPath(NSFileManager fm,
java.lang.String path)
This method represents the
fileManager() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
fontManager_willIncludeFont(Id sender,
java.lang.String fontName)
This method represents the
fontManager() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
forwardInvocation(NSInvocation anInvocation) |
void |
handleMachMessage(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void msg) |
void |
handlePortMessage(NSPortMessage message) |
Id |
handleQueryWithUnboundKey(java.lang.String key) |
void |
handleTakeValue_forUnboundKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
handleTakeValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 |
hash() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging() |
void |
image_didLoadPartOfRepresentation_withValidRows(NSImage image,
NSImageRep rep,
com.jniwrapper.Int rows)
This method represents the
image() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
image_didLoadRepresentation_withStatus(NSImage image,
NSImageRep rep,
NSImageLoadStatus status)
This method represents the
image() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
image_didLoadRepresentationHeader(NSImage image,
NSImageRep rep)
This method represents the
image() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
image_willLoadRepresentation(NSImage image,
NSImageRep rep)
This method represents the
image() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
imageDidNotDraw_inRect(Id sender,
NSRect aRect)
This method represents the
imageDidNotDraw() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
indicesOfObjectsByEvaluatingObjectSpecifier(NSScriptObjectSpecifier specifier) |
Id |
init() |
protected void |
init(com.jniwrapper.Parameter[] fields) |
void |
insertValue_atIndex_inPropertyWithKey(Id value,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
insertValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
insertValue_inPropertyWithKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
insertValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
inverseForRelationshipKey(java.lang.String relationshipKey) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isCaseInsensitiveLike(java.lang.String object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isEqual(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isGreaterThan(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isKindOfClass(CClass aClass) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isLessThan(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isLessThanOrEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isLike(java.lang.String object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isMemberOfClass(CClass aClass) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isNotEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
isProxy() |
void |
layoutManager_didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer_atEnd(NSLayoutManager layoutManager,
NSTextContainer textContainer,
boolean layoutFinishedFlag)
This method represents the
layoutManager() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout(NSLayoutManager sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
makeNewConnection_sender(NSConnection conn,
NSConnection ancestor)
This method represents the
makeNewConnection() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
menu_updateItem_atIndex_shouldCancel(NSMenu menu,
NSMenuItem item,
com.jniwrapper.Int index,
boolean shouldCancel)
This method represents the
menu() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
menuHasKeyEquivalent_forEvent_target_action(NSMenu menu,
NSEvent event,
Id target,
Sel action)
This method represents the
menuHasKeyEquivalent() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
menuNeedsUpdate(NSMenu menu) |
Imp |
methodForSelector(Sel aSelector) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
methodSignatureForSelector(Sel aSelector) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
mutableArrayValueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
mutableArrayValueForKeyPath(java.lang.String keyPath) |
Id |
mutableCopy() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(NSURL dropDestination) |
void |
netService_didNotPublish(NSNetService sender,
NSDictionary errorDict)
This method represents the
netService() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netService_didNotResolve(NSNetService sender,
NSDictionary errorDict)
This method represents the
netService() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowser_didFindDomain_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser,
java.lang.String domainString,
boolean moreComing)
This method represents the
netServiceBrowser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowser_didFindService_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser,
NSNetService aNetService,
boolean moreComing)
This method represents the
netServiceBrowser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowser_didNotSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser,
NSDictionary errorDict)
This method represents the
netServiceBrowser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowser_didRemoveDomain_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser,
java.lang.String domainString,
boolean moreComing)
This method represents the
netServiceBrowser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowser_didRemoveService_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser,
NSNetService aNetService,
boolean moreComing)
This method represents the
netServiceBrowser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser) |
void |
netServiceBrowserWillSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser) |
void |
netServiceDidResolveAddress(NSNetService sender) |
void |
netServiceDidStop(NSNetService sender) |
void |
netServiceWillPublish(NSNetService sender) |
void |
netServiceWillResolve(NSNetService sender) |
static NSObject |
This method represents the
new static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static NSObject |
This method represents the
alloc static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static NSObject |
NSObject_allocWithZone(NSZone zone)
This method represents the
allocWithZone static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static NSObject |
NSObject_copyWithZone(NSZone zone)
This method represents the
copyWithZone static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static NSObject |
NSObject_defaultPlaceholderForMarker_withBinding(Id marker,
java.lang.String binding)
This method represents the
defaultPlaceholderForMarker static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static NSObject |
NSObject_mutableCopyWithZone(NSZone zone)
This method represents the
mutableCopyWithZone static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
numberOfItemsInComboBox(NSComboBox aComboBox) |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
numberOfItemsInComboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell comboBoxCell) |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
numberOfItemsInMenu(NSMenu menu) |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
numberOfRowsInTableView(NSTableView tableView) |
void |
objectDidBeginEditing(Id editor) |
void |
objectDidEndEditing(Id editor) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
objectSpecifier() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
observationInfo() |
void |
observeValueForKeyPath_ofObject_change_context(java.lang.String keyPath,
Id object,
NSDictionary change,
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void context)
This method represents the
observeValueForKeyPath() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex(NSOutlineView olv,
Id info,
Id item,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
outlineView_child_ofItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
com.jniwrapper.Int index,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_didClickTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_didDragTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_isItemExpandable(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
outlineView_itemForPersistentObject(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id object)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Int |
outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
outlineView_persistentObjectForItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_byItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id object,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_shouldCollapseItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_shouldEditTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_shouldExpandItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_shouldSelectItem(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_shouldSelectTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_sortDescriptorsDidChange(NSOutlineView outlineView,
NSArray oldDescriptors)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
NSDragOperation |
outlineView_validateDrop_proposedItem_proposedChildIndex(NSOutlineView olv,
Id info,
Id item,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id cell,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineView_willDisplayOutlineCell_forTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView,
Id cell,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
Id item)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
outlineView_writeItems_toPasteboard(NSOutlineView olv,
NSArray items,
NSPasteboard pboard)
This method represents the
outlineView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
outlineViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewItemDidCollapse(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewItemDidExpand(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewItemWillCollapse(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewItemWillExpand(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification) |
void |
outlineViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification) |
NSComparisonResult |
panel_compareFilename_with_caseSensitive(Id sender,
java.lang.String name1,
java.lang.String name2,
boolean caseSensitive)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
panel_directoryDidChange(Id sender,
java.lang.String path)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
panel_isValidFilename(Id sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
panel_shouldShowFilename(Id sender,
java.lang.String filename)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
panel_userEnteredFilename_confirmed(Id sender,
java.lang.String filename,
boolean okFlag)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
panel_willExpand(Id sender,
boolean expanding)
This method represents the
panel() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
panelSelectionDidChange(Id sender) |
void |
parser_didEndElement_namespaceURI_qualifiedName(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String elementName,
java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String qName)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_didEndMappingPrefix(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String prefix)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_didStartElement_namespaceURI_qualifiedName_attributes(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String elementName,
java.lang.String namespaceURI,
java.lang.String qName,
NSDictionary attributeDict)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_didStartMappingPrefix_toURI(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String prefix,
java.lang.String namespaceURI)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundAttributeDeclarationWithName_forElement_type_defaultValue(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String attributeName,
java.lang.String elementName,
java.lang.String type,
java.lang.String defaultValue)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundCDATA(NSXMLParser parser,
NSData CDATABlock)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundCharacters(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String string)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundComment(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String comment)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundElementDeclarationWithName_model(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String elementName,
java.lang.String model)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundExternalEntityDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String publicID,
java.lang.String systemID)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundIgnorableWhitespace(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String whitespaceString)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundInternalEntityDeclarationWithName_value(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String value)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundNotationDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String publicID,
java.lang.String systemID)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundProcessingInstructionWithTarget_data(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String target,
java.lang.String data)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_foundUnparsedEntityDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID_notationName(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String publicID,
java.lang.String systemID,
java.lang.String notationName)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_parseErrorOccurred(NSXMLParser parser,
NSError parseError)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
parser_resolveExternalEntityName_systemID(NSXMLParser parser,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String systemID)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parser_validationErrorOccurred(NSXMLParser parser,
NSError validationError)
This method represents the
parser() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
parserDidEndDocument(NSXMLParser parser) |
void |
parserDidStartDocument(NSXMLParser parser) |
void |
pasteboard_provideDataForType(NSPasteboard sender,
java.lang.String type)
This method represents the
pasteboard() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
pasteboardChangedOwner(NSPasteboard sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
performDragOperation(Id sender) |
void |
performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_inModes(Sel aSelector,
Id anArgument,
NSTimeInterval delay,
NSArray modes)
This method represents the
performSelector() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
performSelector_withObject_afterDelay(Sel aSelector,
Id anArgument,
NSTimeInterval delay)
This method represents the
performSelector() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
performSelector_withObject_withObject(Sel aSelector,
Id object1,
Id object2)
This method represents the
performSelector() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
performSelector_withObject(Sel aSelector,
Id object)
This method represents the
performSelector() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
performSelector(Sel aSelector) |
void |
performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_modes(Sel aSelector,
Id arg,
boolean wait,
NSArray array)
This method represents the
performSelectorOnMainThread() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone(Sel aSelector,
Id arg,
boolean wait)
This method represents the
performSelectorOnMainThread() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
prepareForDragOperation(Id sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
readSelectionFromPasteboard(NSPasteboard pboard) |
void |
release() |
void |
removeObserver_forKeyPath(NSObject observer,
java.lang.String keyPath)
This method represents the
removeObserver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
removeValueAtIndex_fromPropertyWithKey(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
removeValueAtIndex() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
replacementObjectForArchiver(NSArchiver archiver) |
Id |
replacementObjectForCoder(NSCoder aCoder) |
Id |
replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver(NSKeyedArchiver archiver) |
Id |
replacementObjectForPortCoder(NSPortCoder coder) |
void |
replaceValueAtIndex_inPropertyWithKey_withValue(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index,
java.lang.String key,
Id value)
This method represents the
replaceValueAtIndex() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
respondsToSelector(Sel aSelector) |
Id |
retain() |
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 |
retainCount() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingBeginsWith(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingContains(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingEndsWith(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingIsEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingIsGreaterThan(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingIsLessThan(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
scriptingIsLessThanOrEqualTo(Id object) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
scriptingProperties() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView(NSOutlineView outlineView) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
selectionShouldChangeInTableView(NSTableView aTableView) |
Id |
self() |
void |
setNilValueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
void |
setObservationInfo(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void observationInfo) |
void |
setScriptingProperties(NSDictionary properties) |
void |
setValue_forKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
setValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
setValue_forKeyPath(Id value,
java.lang.String keyPath)
This method represents the
setValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
setValue_forUndefinedKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
setValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
setValuesForKeysWithDictionary(NSDictionary keyedValues) |
void |
sound_didFinishPlaying(NSSound sound,
boolean aBool)
This method represents the
sound() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
speechRecognizer_didRecognizeCommand(NSSpeechRecognizer sender,
Id command)
This method represents the
speechRecognizer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
speechSynthesizer_didFinishSpeaking(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender,
boolean finishedSpeaking)
This method represents the
speechSynthesizer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
speechSynthesizer_willSpeakPhoneme(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender,
com.jniwrapper.ShortInt phonemeOpcode)
This method represents the
speechSynthesizer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
speechSynthesizer_willSpeakWord_ofString(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender,
NSRange characterRange,
java.lang.String string)
This method represents the
speechSynthesizer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
spellServer_didForgetWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender,
java.lang.String word,
java.lang.String language)
This method represents the
spellServer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
spellServer_didLearnWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender,
java.lang.String word,
java.lang.String language)
This method represents the
spellServer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
NSRange |
spellServer_findMisspelledWordInString_language_wordCount_countOnly(NSSpellServer sender,
java.lang.String stringToCheck,
java.lang.String language,
com.jniwrapper.Int wordCount,
boolean countOnly)
This method represents the
spellServer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
spellServer_suggestCompletionsForPartialWordRange_inString_language(NSSpellServer sender,
NSRange range,
java.lang.String string,
java.lang.String language)
This method represents the
spellServer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
spellServer_suggestGuessesForWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender,
java.lang.String word,
java.lang.String language)
This method represents the
spellServer() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
splitView_canCollapseSubview(NSSplitView sender,
NSView subview)
This method represents the
splitView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat |
splitView_constrainMaxCoordinate_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView sender,
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedCoord,
com.jniwrapper.Int offset)
This method represents the
splitView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat |
splitView_constrainMinCoordinate_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView sender,
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedCoord,
com.jniwrapper.Int offset)
This method represents the
splitView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat |
splitView_constrainSplitPosition_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView splitView,
com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedPosition,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
splitView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
splitView_resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(NSSplitView sender,
NSSize oldSize)
This method represents the
splitView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
splitViewDidResizeSubviews(NSNotification notification) |
void |
splitViewWillResizeSubviews(NSNotification notification) |
static com.jniwrapper.Bool |
static_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly() |
static com.jniwrapper.Bool |
static_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey(java.lang.String key) |
static void |
static_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_selector_object(Id aTarget,
Sel aSelector,
Id anArgument)
This method represents the
cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static void |
static_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget(Id aTarget) |
static CClass |
static_classForKeyedUnarchiver() |
static void |
static_exposeBinding(java.lang.String binding) |
static void |
static_initialize() |
static Imp |
static_instanceMethodForSelector(Sel aSelector) |
static com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
static_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(Sel aSelector) |
static com.jniwrapper.Bool |
static_instancesRespondToSelector(Sel aSelector) |
static com.jniwrapper.Bool |
static_isSubclassOfClass(CClass aClass) |
static void |
static_load() |
static void |
static_poseAsClass(CClass aClass) |
static void |
static_setDefaultPlaceholder_forMarker_withBinding(Id placeholder,
Id marker,
java.lang.String binding)
This method represents the
setDefaultPlaceholder() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static void |
static_setKeys_triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey(NSArray keys,
java.lang.String dependentKey)
This method represents the
setKeys() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
static void |
static_setVersion(com.jniwrapper.Int aVersion) |
static com.jniwrapper.Bool |
static_useStoredAccessor() |
static com.jniwrapper.Int |
static_version() |
Id |
storedValueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
void |
stream_handleEvent(NSStream aStream,
NSStreamEvent eventCode)
This method represents the
stream() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
CClass |
superclass() |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tableView_acceptDrop_row_dropOperation(NSTableView tv,
Id info,
com.jniwrapper.Int row,
NSTableViewDropOperation op)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_didClickTableColumn(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_didDragTableColumn(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
com.jniwrapper.Int row)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView,
Id object,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
com.jniwrapper.Int row)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tableView_shouldEditTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
com.jniwrapper.Int row)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tableView_shouldSelectRow(NSTableView tableView,
com.jniwrapper.Int row)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tableView_shouldSelectTableColumn(NSTableView tableView,
NSTableColumn tableColumn)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_sortDescriptorsDidChange(NSTableView tableView,
NSArray oldDescriptors)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
NSDragOperation |
tableView_validateDrop_proposedRow_proposedDropOperation(NSTableView tv,
Id info,
com.jniwrapper.Int row,
NSTableViewDropOperation op)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView,
Id cell,
NSTableColumn tableColumn,
com.jniwrapper.Int row)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tableView_writeRows_toPasteboard(NSTableView tv,
NSArray rows,
NSPasteboard pboard)
This method represents the
tableView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tableViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification notification) |
void |
tableViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
tableViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification) |
void |
tableViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification) |
void |
tabView_didSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView,
NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
This method represents the
tabView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
tabView_shouldSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView,
NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
This method represents the
tabView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tabView_willSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView,
NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
This method represents the
tabView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(NSTabView TabView) |
void |
takeStoredValue_forKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
takeStoredValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
takeValue_forKey(Id value,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
takeValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
takeValue_forKeyPath(Id value,
java.lang.String keyPath)
This method represents the
takeValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary properties) |
void |
textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification notification) |
void |
textDidChange(NSNotification notification) |
void |
textDidEndEditing(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textShouldBeginEditing(NSText textObject) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textShouldEndEditing(NSText textObject) |
void |
textStorageDidProcessEditing(NSNotification notification) |
void |
textStorageWillProcessEditing(NSNotification notification) |
void |
textView_clickedOnCell_inRect_atIndex(NSTextView textView,
Id cell,
NSRect cellFrame,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textView_clickedOnCell_inRect(NSTextView textView,
Id cell,
NSRect cellFrame)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textView_clickedOnLink_atIndex(NSTextView textView,
Id link,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textView_clickedOnLink(NSTextView textView,
Id link)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
textView_completions_forPartialWordRange_indexOfSelectedItem(NSTextView textView,
NSArray words,
NSRange charRange,
com.jniwrapper.Int index)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textView_doCommandBySelector(NSTextView textView,
Sel commandSelector)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textView_doubleClickedOnCell_inRect_atIndex(NSTextView textView,
Id cell,
NSRect cellFrame,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textView_doubleClickedOnCell_inRect(NSTextView textView,
Id cell,
NSRect cellFrame)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textView_draggedCell_inRect_event_atIndex(NSTextView view,
Id cell,
NSRect rect,
NSEvent event,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textView_draggedCell_inRect_event(NSTextView view,
Id cell,
NSRect rect,
NSEvent event)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textView_shouldChangeTextInRange_replacementString(NSTextView textView,
NSRange affectedCharRange,
java.lang.String replacementString)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
NSRange |
textView_willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange_toCharacterRange(NSTextView textView,
NSRange oldSelectedCharRange,
NSRange newSelectedCharRange)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
textView_willDisplayToolTip_forCharacterAtIndex(NSTextView textView,
java.lang.String tooltip,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 characterIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
textView_writablePasteboardTypesForCell_atIndex(NSTextView view,
Id cell,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
textView_writeCell_atIndex_toPasteboard_type(NSTextView view,
Id cell,
com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex,
NSPasteboard pboard,
java.lang.String type)
This method represents the
textView() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
textViewDidChangeSelection(NSNotification notification) |
void |
textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toManyRelationshipKeys() |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toolbar_itemForItemIdentifier_willBeInsertedIntoToolbar(NSToolbar toolbar,
java.lang.String itemIdentifier,
boolean flag)
This method represents the
toolbar() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar) |
void |
toolbarDidRemoveItem(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar) |
void |
toolbarWillAddItem(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
toOneRelationshipKeys() |
void |
unableToSetNilForKey(java.lang.String key) |
CClass |
unarchiver_cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName_originalClasses(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver,
java.lang.String name,
NSArray classNames)
This method represents the
unarchiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
unarchiver_didDecodeObject(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver,
Id object)
This method represents the
unarchiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
unarchiver_willReplaceObject_withObject(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver,
Id object,
Id newObject)
This method represents the
unarchiver() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
unarchiverDidFinish(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver) |
void |
unarchiverWillFinish(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver) |
void |
unbind(java.lang.String binding) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
undoManagerForTextView(NSTextView view) |
void |
URL_resourceDataDidBecomeAvailable(NSURL sender,
NSData newBytes)
This method represents the
URL() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
URL_resourceDidFailLoadingWithReason(NSURL sender,
java.lang.String reason)
This method represents the
URL() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
URLResourceDidCancelLoading(NSURL sender) |
void |
URLResourceDidFinishLoading(NSURL sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
validateMenuItem(Id menuItem) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
validateToolbarItem(NSToolbarItem theItem) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
validateValue_forKey_error(Id ioValue,
java.lang.String inKey,
NSError outError)
This method represents the
validateValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
validateValue_forKeyPath_error(Id ioValue,
java.lang.String inKeyPath,
NSError outError)
This method represents the
validateValue() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.UInt |
validModesForFontPanel(NSFontPanel fontPanel) |
Id |
valueAtIndex_inPropertyWithKey(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
valueAtIndex() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
CClass |
valueClassForBinding(java.lang.String binding) |
Id |
valueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
Id |
valueForKeyPath(java.lang.String keyPath) |
Id |
valueForUndefinedKey(java.lang.String key) |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
valuesForKeys(NSArray keys) |
Id |
valueWithName_inPropertyWithKey(java.lang.String name,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
valueWithName() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
valueWithUniqueID_inPropertyWithKey(Id uniqueID,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
valueWithUniqueID() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
view_stringForToolTip_point_userData(NSView view,
NSToolTipTag tag,
NSPoint point,
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void data)
This method represents the
view() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
willChange_valuesAtIndexes_forKey(NSKeyValueChange change,
NSIndexSet indexes,
java.lang.String key)
This method represents the
willChange() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
willChangeValueForKey(java.lang.String key) |
NSRect |
window_willPositionSheet_usingRect(NSWindow window,
NSWindow sheet,
NSRect rect)
This method represents the
window() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
windowDidBecomeKey(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidBecomeMain(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidChangeScreen(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidDeminiaturize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidEndSheet(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidExpose(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidMiniaturize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidMove(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidResignKey(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidResignMain(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidResize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowDidUpdate(NSNotification notification) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
windowShouldClose(Id sender) |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
windowShouldZoom_toFrame(NSWindow window,
NSRect newFrame)
This method represents the
windowShouldZoom() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
void |
windowWillBeginSheet(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowWillClose(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowWillMiniaturize(NSNotification notification) |
void |
windowWillMove(NSNotification notification) |
NSSize |
windowWillResize_toSize(NSWindow sender,
NSSize frameSize)
This method represents the
windowWillResize() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
Id |
windowWillReturnFieldEditor_toObject(NSWindow sender,
Id client)
This method represents the
windowWillReturnFieldEditor() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
windowWillReturnUndoManager(NSWindow window) |
NSRect |
windowWillUseStandardFrame_defaultFrame(NSWindow window,
NSRect newFrame)
This method represents the
windowWillUseStandardFrame() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Bool |
writeSelectionToPasteboard_types(NSPasteboard pboard,
NSArray types)
This method represents the
writeSelectionToPasteboard() method of the NSObject Objective-C class. |
com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void |
zone() |
asFunction, asFunction, asTypedPointer, castTo, castTo, equals, getDebugInfo, getLength, getValue, hashCode, isNull, read, setValue, toString, write
public NSObject()
public NSObject(boolean autorelease)
class with the autorelease option on.autorelease
- public NSObject(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void instancePtr)
class from pointer.instancePtr
- public NSObject(java.lang.String methodName, com.jniwrapper.Parameter[] parameters)
class with static constructor.methodName
- parameters
- public static NSObject NSObject_allocWithZone(NSZone zone)
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C
- public static NSObject NSObject_defaultPlaceholderForMarker_withBinding(Id marker, java.lang.String binding)
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class.marker
- binding
- public static NSObject NSObject_mutableCopyWithZone(NSZone zone)
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C
- public static NSObject NSObject_copyWithZone(NSZone zone)
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C
- public static NSObject NSObject__new()
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class.public static NSObject NSObject_alloc()
static constructor of the NSObject Objective-C class.public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void authenticationDataForComponents(NSArray components)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool fontManager_willIncludeFont(Id sender, java.lang.String fontName)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- fontName
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool textView_writeCell_atIndex_toPasteboard_type(NSTextView view, Id cell, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex, NSPasteboard pboard, java.lang.String type)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.view
- cell
- charIndex
- pboard
- type
- public void willChange_valuesAtIndexes_forKey(NSKeyValueChange change, NSIndexSet indexes, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.change
- indexes
- key
- public com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat browser_shouldSizeColumn_forUserResize_toWidth(NSBrowser browser, com.jniwrapper.Int columnIndex, boolean forUserResize, com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat suggestedWidth)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.browser
- columnIndex
- forUserResize
- suggestedWidth
- public void netServiceBrowser_didFindService_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser, NSNetService aNetService, boolean moreComing)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aNetServiceBrowser
- aNetService
- moreComing
- public void removeValueAtIndex_fromPropertyWithKey(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.index
- key
- public void textStorageWillProcessEditing(NSNotification notification)
public void textView_doubleClickedOnCell_inRect(NSTextView textView, Id cell, NSRect cellFrame)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- cell
- cellFrame
- public Id outlineView_child_ofItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, com.jniwrapper.Int index, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- index
- item
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool textView_doCommandBySelector(NSTextView textView, Sel commandSelector)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- commandSelector
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isKindOfClass(CClass aClass)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void zone()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void objectDidBeginEditing(Id editor)
public void insertValue_inPropertyWithKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public void connection_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLConnection connection, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- challenge
- public void speechSynthesizer_willSpeakPhoneme(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender, com.jniwrapper.ShortInt phonemeOpcode)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- phonemeOpcode
- public static com.jniwrapper.Int static_version()
public void splitView_resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(NSSplitView sender, NSSize oldSize)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- oldSize
- public Id performSelector_withObject(Sel aSelector, Id object)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.performSelector_withObject
in interface NSObjectProtocol
- object
- public void concludeDragOperation(Id sender)
public void accessibilityPerformAction(java.lang.String action)
public Id init()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void accessibilityParameterizedAttributeNames()
public CClass classForArchiver()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isCaseInsensitiveLike(java.lang.String object)
public void tabView_willSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView, NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tabView
- tabViewItem
- public void fileManager_willProcessPath(NSFileManager fm, java.lang.String path)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- path
- public void download_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLDownload download, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- challenge
- public static CClass static_classForKeyedUnarchiver()
public void unableToSetNilForKey(java.lang.String key)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool validateValue_forKeyPath_error(Id ioValue, java.lang.String inKeyPath, NSError outError)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.ioValue
- inKeyPath
- outError
- public void performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_inModes(Sel aSelector, Id anArgument, NSTimeInterval delay, NSArray modes)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aSelector
- anArgument
- delay
- modes
- public void windowDidExpose(NSNotification notification)
public void applicationWillUnhide(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat splitView_constrainMaxCoordinate_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView sender, com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedCoord, com.jniwrapper.Int offset)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- proposedCoord
- offset
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool tableView_writeRows_toPasteboard(NSTableView tv, NSArray rows, NSPasteboard pboard)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- rows
- pboard
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool tableView_acceptDrop_row_dropOperation(NSTableView tv, Id info, com.jniwrapper.Int row, NSTableViewDropOperation op)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- info
- row
- op
- public Id accessibilityAttributeValue_forParameter(java.lang.String attribute, Id parameter)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.attribute
- parameter
- public void didChange_valuesAtIndexes_forKey(NSKeyValueChange change, NSIndexSet indexes, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.change
- indexes
- key
- public void browser_willDisplayCell_atRow_column(NSBrowser sender, Id cell, com.jniwrapper.Int row, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- cell
- row
- column
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_writeItems_toPasteboard(NSOutlineView olv, NSArray items, NSPasteboard pboard)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.olv
- items
- pboard
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void control_textView_completions_forPartialWordRange_indexOfSelectedItem(NSControl control, NSTextView textView, NSArray words, NSRange charRange, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- textView
- words
- charRange
- index
- public void performSelector_withObject_afterDelay(Sel aSelector, Id anArgument, NSTimeInterval delay)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aSelector
- anArgument
- delay
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool splitView_canCollapseSubview(NSSplitView sender, NSView subview)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- subview
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingBeginsWith(Id object)
public void connection_didReceiveResponse(NSURLConnection connection, NSURLResponse response)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- response
- public void setValue_forKeyPath(Id value, java.lang.String keyPath)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- keyPath
- public void parser_foundProcessingInstructionWithTarget_data(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String target, java.lang.String data)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- target
- data
- public void netServiceBrowser_didRemoveService_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser, NSNetService aNetService, boolean moreComing)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aNetServiceBrowser
- aNetService
- moreComing
- public Id comboBox_objectValueForItemAtIndex(NSComboBox aComboBox, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBox
- index
- public void applicationDidFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
public void outlineViewItemDidCollapse(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool panel_shouldShowFilename(Id sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void observationInfo()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void valuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
public void takeValue_forKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public CClass superclass()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void tableView_sortDescriptorsDidChange(NSTableView tableView, NSArray oldDescriptors)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- oldDescriptors
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool control_didFailToFormatString_errorDescription(NSControl control, java.lang.String string, java.lang.String error)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- string
- error
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool windowShouldZoom_toFrame(NSWindow window, NSRect newFrame)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.window
- newFrame
- public void addObserver_forKeyPath_options_context(NSObject observer, java.lang.String keyPath, NSKeyValueObservingOptions options, com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void context)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- keyPath
- options
- context
- public void awakeFromNib()
public void comboBoxWillDismiss(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isMemberOfClass(CClass aClass)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public NSDragOperation outlineView_validateDrop_proposedItem_proposedChildIndex(NSOutlineView olv, Id info, Id item, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.olv
- info
- item
- index
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool textView_clickedOnLink_atIndex(NSTextView textView, Id link, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- link
- charIndex
- public void parser_didEndMappingPrefix(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String prefix)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- prefix
- public void forwardInvocation(NSInvocation anInvocation)
public void parserDidEndDocument(NSXMLParser parser)
public void draggedImage_endedAt_operation(NSImage image, NSPoint screenPoint, NSDragOperation operation)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- screenPoint
- operation
- public void windowDidResignKey(NSNotification notification)
public void draggedImage_endedAt_deposited(NSImage image, NSPoint screenPoint, boolean flag)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- screenPoint
- flag
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_shouldSelectTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- public com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat splitView_constrainMinCoordinate_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView sender, com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedCoord, com.jniwrapper.Int offset)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- proposedCoord
- offset
- public void setValue_forKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool fileManager_shouldProceedAfterError(NSFileManager fm, NSDictionary errorInfo)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- errorInfo
- public Id replacementObjectForArchiver(NSArchiver archiver)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool applicationOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool browser_selectRow_inColumn(NSBrowser sender, com.jniwrapper.Int row, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- row
- column
- public void browser_createRowsForColumn_inMatrix(NSBrowser sender, com.jniwrapper.Int column, NSMatrix matrix)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- column
- matrix
- public void textViewDidChangeSelection(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool control_textView_doCommandBySelector(NSControl control, NSTextView textView, Sel commandSelector)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- textView
- commandSelector
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool respondsToSelector(Sel aSelector)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex(NSOutlineView olv, Id info, Id item, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.olv
- info
- item
- index
- public void controlTextDidChange(NSNotification obj)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(NSURL dropDestination)
public com.jniwrapper.UInt validModesForFontPanel(NSFontPanel fontPanel)
public NSDragOperation draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal(boolean flag)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Id object)
public void URLResourceDidFinishLoading(NSURL sender)
public void application_printFiles(NSApplication sender, NSArray filenames)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filenames
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void imageDidNotDraw_inRect(Id sender, NSRect aRect)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- aRect
- public void applicationDidUpdate(NSNotification notification)
public void browserColumnConfigurationDidChange(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool validateValue_forKey_error(Id ioValue, java.lang.String inKey, NSError outError)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.ioValue
- inKey
- outError
- public void outlineView_willDisplayOutlineCell_forTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id cell, NSTableColumn tableColumn, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- cell
- tableColumn
- item
- public void release()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public Id outlineView_itemForPersistentObject(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id object)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- object
- public Id createConversationForConnection(NSConnection conn)
public void browserWillScroll(NSBrowser sender)
public void draggedImage_beganAt(NSImage image, NSPoint screenPoint)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- screenPoint
- public Id coerceValue_forKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public void handleTakeValue_forUnboundKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public void image_didLoadRepresentation_withStatus(NSImage image, NSImageRep rep, NSImageLoadStatus status)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- rep
- status
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void panel_userEnteredFilename_confirmed(Id sender, java.lang.String filename, boolean okFlag)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- okFlag
- public void image_willLoadRepresentation(NSImage image, NSImageRep rep)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- rep
- public void parser_validationErrorOccurred(NSXMLParser parser, NSError validationError)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- validationError
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool connection_shouldMakeNewConnection(NSConnection ancestor, NSConnection conn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.ancestor
- conn
- public com.jniwrapper.Int numberOfItemsInMenu(NSMenu menu)
public void handleMachMessage(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void msg)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool selectionShouldChangeInOutlineView(NSOutlineView outlineView)
public void windowWillMove(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool connection_handleRequest(NSConnection connection, NSDistantObjectRequest doreq)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- doreq
- public void tableView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView, Id cell, NSTableColumn tableColumn, com.jniwrapper.Int row)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- cell
- tableColumn
- row
- public Id valueForKeyPath(java.lang.String keyPath)
public CClass classForCoder()
public void windowDidDeminiaturize(NSNotification notification)
public void performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone_modes(Sel aSelector, Id arg, boolean wait, NSArray array)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aSelector
- arg
- wait
- array
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool accessibilityIsAttributeSettable(java.lang.String attribute)
public NSApplicationTerminateReply applicationShouldTerminate(NSApplication sender)
public Id windowWillReturnFieldEditor_toObject(NSWindow sender, Id client)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- client
- public void setValuesForKeysWithDictionary(NSDictionary keyedValues)
public com.jniwrapper.Int numberOfRowsInTableView(NSTableView tableView)
public static void static_setDefaultPlaceholder_forMarker_withBinding(Id placeholder, Id marker, java.lang.String binding)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.placeholder
- marker
- binding
- public void draggingExited(Id sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool ignoreModifierKeysWhileDragging()
public void windowWillMiniaturize(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool alertShowHelp(NSAlert alert)
public void connection_didFailWithError(NSURLConnection connection, NSError error)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- error
- public void menuNeedsUpdate(NSMenu menu)
public NSComparisonResult panel_compareFilename_with_caseSensitive(Id sender, java.lang.String name1, java.lang.String name2, boolean caseSensitive)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- name1
- name2
- caseSensitive
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool panel_isValidFilename(Id sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public void outlineViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification)
public void netServiceBrowser_didNotSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser, NSDictionary errorDict)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aNetServiceBrowser
- errorDict
- public void parser_foundExternalEntityDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- name
- publicID
- systemID
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void textView_completions_forPartialWordRange_indexOfSelectedItem(NSTextView textView, NSArray words, NSRange charRange, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- words
- charRange
- index
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_shouldExpandItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public void outlineView_willDisplayCell_forTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id cell, NSTableColumn tableColumn, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- cell
- tableColumn
- item
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingEndsWith(Id object)
public void archiverWillFinish(NSKeyedArchiver archiver)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void attributeKeys()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void accessibilityAttributeNames()
public NSDragOperation tableView_validateDrop_proposedRow_proposedDropOperation(NSTableView tv, Id info, com.jniwrapper.Int row, NSTableViewDropOperation op)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- info
- row
- op
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile(NSApplication sender)
public void setObservationInfo(com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void observationInfo)
public Id comboBoxCell_objectValueForItemAtIndex(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBoxCell
- index
- public CClass unarchiver_cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName_originalClasses(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, java.lang.String name, NSArray classNames)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.unarchiver
- name
- classNames
- public void tableView_didClickTableColumn(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- public com.jniwrapper.Int outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public void outlineViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification notification)
public Id performSelector_withObject_withObject(Sel aSelector, Id object1, Id object2)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.performSelector_withObject_withObject
in interface NSObjectProtocol
- object1
- object2
- public void takeStoredValue_forKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public void downloadDidBegin(NSURLDownload download)
public void panel_directoryDidChange(Id sender, java.lang.String path)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- path
- public void pasteboard_provideDataForType(NSPasteboard sender, java.lang.String type)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- type
- public void dealloc()
public void changeFont(Id sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isEqualTo(Id object)
public void didChangeValueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public void panelSelectionDidChange(Id sender)
public CClass classForPortCoder()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool conformsToProtocol(Protocol aProtocol)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void parser_parseErrorOccurred(NSXMLParser parser, NSError parseError)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- parseError
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool selectionShouldChangeInTableView(NSTableView aTableView)
public void outlineView_mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void mutableArrayValueForKeyPath(java.lang.String keyPath)
public void textView_draggedCell_inRect_event_atIndex(NSTextView view, Id cell, NSRect rect, NSEvent event, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.view
- cell
- rect
- event
- charIndex
- public Id replacementObjectForPortCoder(NSPortCoder coder)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool validateToolbarItem(NSToolbarItem theItem)
public Id performSelector(Sel aSelector)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public Id copy()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_isItemExpandable(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public void netServiceBrowserDidStopSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser)
public Id replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver(NSKeyedArchiver archiver)
public void speechRecognizer_didRecognizeCommand(NSSpeechRecognizer sender, Id command)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- command
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void accessibilityActionDescription(java.lang.String action)
public void applicationWillTerminate(NSNotification notification)
public void textView_doubleClickedOnCell_inRect_atIndex(NSTextView textView, Id cell, NSRect cellFrame, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- cell
- cellFrame
- charIndex
- public void textDidBeginEditing(NSNotification notification)
public void outlineView_didClickTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool drawerShouldOpen(NSDrawer sender)
public void parser_foundElementDeclarationWithName_model(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String model)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- elementName
- model
- public void image_didLoadRepresentationHeader(NSImage image, NSImageRep rep)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- rep
- public void URL_resourceDidFailLoadingWithReason(NSURL sender, java.lang.String reason)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- reason
- public void outlineView_didDragTableColumn(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- public static com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void static_instanceMethodSignatureForSelector(Sel aSelector)
public void URLResourceDidCancelLoading(NSURL sender)
public static void static_poseAsClass(CClass aClass)
public void draggingEnded(Id sender)
public void drawerWillOpen(NSNotification notification)
public static void static_load()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool accessibilityIsIgnored()
public void changeColor(Id sender)
public void unarchiverDidFinish(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver)
public void willChangeValueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void textView_willDisplayToolTip_forCharacterAtIndex(NSTextView textView, java.lang.String tooltip, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 characterIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- tooltip
- characterIndex
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void textView_writablePasteboardTypesForCell_atIndex(NSTextView view, Id cell, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.view
- cell
- charIndex
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void classDescription()
public void bind_toObject_withKeyPath_options(java.lang.String binding, Id observable, java.lang.String keyPath, NSDictionary options)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.binding
- observable
- keyPath
- options
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingContains(Id object)
public com.jniwrapper.Int numberOfItemsInComboBoxCell(NSComboBoxCell comboBoxCell)
public void URL_resourceDataDidBecomeAvailable(NSURL sender, NSData newBytes)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- newBytes
- public void textDidChange(NSNotification notification)
public void outlineView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_byItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id object, NSTableColumn tableColumn, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- object
- tableColumn
- item
- public NSRect window_willPositionSheet_usingRect(NSWindow window, NSWindow sheet, NSRect rect)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.window
- sheet
- rect
- public void applicationWillHide(NSNotification notification)
public void performSelectorOnMainThread_withObject_waitUntilDone(Sel aSelector, Id arg, boolean wait)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aSelector
- arg
- wait
- public NSSize drawerWillResizeContents_toSize(NSDrawer sender, NSSize contentSize)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- contentSize
- public void download_didFailWithError(NSURLDownload download, NSError error)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- error
- public static com.jniwrapper.Bool static_accessInstanceVariablesDirectly()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_shouldEditTableColumn_item(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- item
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void connection_willCacheResponse(NSURLConnection connection, NSCachedURLResponse cachedResponse)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- cachedResponse
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool control_isValidObject(NSControl control, Id obj)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- obj
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void accessibilityActionNames()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void comboBox_completedString(NSComboBox aComboBox, java.lang.String string)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBox
- string
- public void comboBoxSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool application_openFile(NSApplication sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public void discardEditing()
public void replaceValueAtIndex_inPropertyWithKey_withValue(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index, java.lang.String key, Id value)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.index
- key
- value
- public void netServiceBrowser_didFindDomain_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser, java.lang.String domainString, boolean moreComing)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aNetServiceBrowser
- domainString
- moreComing
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void methodSignatureForSelector(Sel aSelector)
public Id outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- tableColumn
- item
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Id object)
public void spellServer_didLearnWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender, java.lang.String word, java.lang.String language)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- word
- language
- public void outlineView_sortDescriptorsDidChange(NSOutlineView outlineView, NSArray oldDescriptors)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- oldDescriptors
- public Id valueWithUniqueID_inPropertyWithKey(Id uniqueID, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.uniqueID
- key
- public void netService_didNotResolve(NSNetService sender, NSDictionary errorDict)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- errorDict
- public void unarchiver_willReplaceObject_withObject(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, Id object, Id newObject)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.unarchiver
- object
- newObject
- public void tableViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification notification)
public void parserDidStartDocument(NSXMLParser parser)
public NSRange spellServer_findMisspelledWordInString_language_wordCount_countOnly(NSSpellServer sender, java.lang.String stringToCheck, java.lang.String language, com.jniwrapper.Int wordCount, boolean countOnly)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- stringToCheck
- language
- wordCount
- countOnly
- public void applicationWillBecomeActive(NSNotification notification)
public static com.jniwrapper.Bool static_automaticallyNotifiesObserversForKey(java.lang.String key)
public void applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(NSNotification notification)
public NSDragOperation draggingUpdated(Id sender)
public void textView_clickedOnCell_inRect(NSTextView textView, Id cell, NSRect cellFrame)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- cell
- cellFrame
- public void outlineViewItemWillExpand(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool authenticateComponents_withData(NSArray components, NSData signature)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.components
- signature
- public void netServiceBrowser_didRemoveDomain_moreComing(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser, java.lang.String domainString, boolean moreComing)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aNetServiceBrowser
- domainString
- moreComing
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar)
public void toolbarWillAddItem(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isEqual(Id object)
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public com.jniwrapper.Bool tableView_shouldEditTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, com.jniwrapper.Int row)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- row
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool browser_selectCellWithString_inColumn(NSBrowser sender, java.lang.String title, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- title
- column
- public void doesNotRecognizeSelector(Sel aSelector)
public com.jniwrapper.UInt16 retainCount()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void windowDidResignMain(NSNotification notification)
public void toolbarDidRemoveItem(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool download_shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType(NSURLDownload download, java.lang.String encodingType)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- encodingType
- public void parser_didEndElement_namespaceURI_qualifiedName(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qName)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- elementName
- namespaceURI
- qName
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool textView_shouldChangeTextInRange_replacementString(NSTextView textView, NSRange affectedCharRange, java.lang.String replacementString)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- affectedCharRange
- replacementString
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void spellServer_suggestCompletionsForPartialWordRange_inString_language(NSSpellServer sender, NSRange range, java.lang.String string, java.lang.String language)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- range
- string
- language
- public void handlePortMessage(NSPortMessage message)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void view_stringForToolTip_point_userData(NSView view, NSToolTipTag tag, NSPoint point, com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void data)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.view
- tag
- point
- data
- public static com.jniwrapper.Bool static_useStoredAccessor()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toManyRelationshipKeys()
public void connection_didReceiveData(NSURLConnection connection, NSData data)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- data
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool writeSelectionToPasteboard_types(NSPasteboard pboard, NSArray types)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.pboard
- types
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool menu_updateItem_atIndex_shouldCancel(NSMenu menu, NSMenuItem item, com.jniwrapper.Int index, boolean shouldCancel)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- item
- index
- shouldCancel
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void connection_willSendRequest_redirectResponse(NSURLConnection connection, NSURLRequest request, NSURLResponse response)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- request
- response
- public void browserDidScroll(NSBrowser sender)
public void tableView_didDragTableColumn(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool application_openFileWithoutUI(Id sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public Id handleQueryWithUnboundKey(java.lang.String key)
public void setValue_forUndefinedKey(Id value, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- key
- public void panel_willExpand(Id sender, boolean expanding)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- expanding
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void browser_titleOfColumn(NSBrowser sender, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- column
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void spellServer_suggestGuessesForWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender, java.lang.String word, java.lang.String language)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- word
- language
- public NSRect windowWillUseStandardFrame_defaultFrame(NSWindow window, NSRect newFrame)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.window
- newFrame
- public void applicationDidResignActive(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool control_textShouldEndEditing(NSControl control, NSText fieldEditor)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- fieldEditor
- public com.jniwrapper.UInt16 hash()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void netServiceWillPublish(NSNetService sender)
public void layoutManagerDidInvalidateLayout(NSLayoutManager sender)
public void textView_clickedOnCell_inRect_atIndex(NSTextView textView, Id cell, NSRect cellFrame, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 charIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- cell
- cellFrame
- charIndex
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool makeNewConnection_sender(NSConnection conn, NSConnection ancestor)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.conn
- ancestor
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool menuHasKeyEquivalent_forEvent_target_action(NSMenu menu, NSEvent event, Id target, Sel action)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- event
- target
- action
- public void parser_foundCDATA(NSXMLParser parser, NSData CDATABlock)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- CDATABlock
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool control_textShouldBeginEditing(NSControl control, NSText fieldEditor)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- fieldEditor
- public static void static_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget(Id aTarget)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool tabView_shouldSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView, NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tabView
- tabViewItem
- public com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat browser_sizeToFitWidthOfColumn(NSBrowser browser, com.jniwrapper.Int columnIndex)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.browser
- columnIndex
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool tableView_shouldSelectRow(NSTableView tableView, com.jniwrapper.Int row)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- row
- public void controlTextDidBeginEditing(NSNotification obj)
public void speechSynthesizer_willSpeakWord_ofString(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender, NSRange characterRange, java.lang.String string)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- characterRange
- string
- public void netService_didNotPublish(NSNetService sender, NSDictionary errorDict)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- errorDict
- public void tableView_mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- public Id valueAtIndex_inPropertyWithKey(com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.index
- key
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void parser_resolveExternalEntityName_systemID(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String systemID)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- name
- systemID
- public void textDidEndEditing(NSNotification notification)
public void drawerDidOpen(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool textShouldBeginEditing(NSText textObject)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void comboBoxCell_completedString(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell, java.lang.String uncompletedString)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBoxCell
- uncompletedString
- public Id retain()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void applicationDidHide(NSNotification notification)
public void parser_didStartElement_namespaceURI_qualifiedName_attributes(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String namespaceURI, java.lang.String qName, NSDictionary attributeDict)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- elementName
- namespaceURI
- qName
- attributeDict
- public void textViewDidChangeTypingAttributes(NSNotification notification)
public void removeObserver_forKeyPath(NSObject observer, java.lang.String keyPath)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- keyPath
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool doesContain(Id object)
public void spellServer_didForgetWord_inLanguage(NSSpellServer sender, java.lang.String word, java.lang.String language)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- word
- language
- public void download_didReceiveResponse(NSURLDownload download, NSURLResponse response)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- response
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool application_printFile(NSApplication sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public static void static_cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget_selector_object(Id aTarget, Sel aSelector, Id anArgument)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aTarget
- aSelector
- anArgument
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void inverseForRelationshipKey(java.lang.String relationshipKey)
public void tableViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification)
public void windowDidChangeScreen(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool textShouldEndEditing(NSText textObject)
public void download_decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(NSURLDownload download, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- filename
- public CClass _class()
method of the NSObject Objective-C class._class
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void className()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(NSApplication sender)
public void outlineViewSelectionDidChange(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool tableView_shouldSelectTableColumn(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- public void accessibilitySetValue_forAttribute(Id value, java.lang.String attribute)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- attribute
- public void windowDidUpdate(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingIsLessThanOrEqualTo(Id object)
public void applicationWillResignActive(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void exposedBindings()
public static void static_exposeBinding(java.lang.String binding)
public Id valueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public void setScriptingProperties(NSDictionary properties)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool browser_isColumnValid(NSBrowser sender, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- column
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void dictionaryWithValuesForKeys(NSArray keys)
public void image_didLoadPartOfRepresentation_withValidRows(NSImage image, NSImageRep rep, com.jniwrapper.Int rows)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- rep
- rows
- public void tableViewSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification)
public void download_didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLDownload download, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- challenge
- public void parser_foundInternalEntityDeclarationWithName_value(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- name
- value
- public void comboBoxSelectionIsChanging(NSNotification notification)
public NSSize windowWillResize_toSize(NSWindow sender, NSSize frameSize)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- frameSize
- public void tableView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView, Id object, NSTableColumn tableColumn, com.jniwrapper.Int row)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- object
- tableColumn
- row
- public void windowDidMove(NSNotification notification)
public void download_didReceiveDataOfLength(NSURLDownload download, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 length)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- length
- public void layoutManager_didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer_atEnd(NSLayoutManager layoutManager, NSTextContainer textContainer, boolean layoutFinishedFlag)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.layoutManager
- textContainer
- layoutFinishedFlag
- public static com.jniwrapper.Bool static_isSubclassOfClass(CClass aClass)
public void insertValue_atIndex_inPropertyWithKey(Id value, com.jniwrapper.UInt16 index, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- index
- key
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isLessThanOrEqualTo(Id object)
public NSRange textView_willChangeSelectionFromCharacterRange_toCharacterRange(NSTextView textView, NSRange oldSelectedCharRange, NSRange newSelectedCharRange)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- oldSelectedCharRange
- newSelectedCharRange
- public void comboBoxWillPopUp(NSNotification notification)
public void setNilValueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool application_openTempFile(NSApplication sender, java.lang.String filename)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filename
- public Id autorelease()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public NSDragOperation draggingEntered(Id sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Int numberOfItemsInComboBox(NSComboBox aComboBox)
public void tableViewColumnDidResize(NSNotification notification)
public void applicationDidUnhide(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool application_delegateHandlesKey(NSApplication sender, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- key
- public void downloadDidFinish(NSURLDownload download)
public void applicationWillFinishLaunching(NSNotification notification)
public void objectDidEndEditing(Id editor)
public void stream_handleEvent(NSStream aStream, NSStreamEvent eventCode)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aStream
- eventCode
- public Id tableView_objectValueForTableColumn_row(NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, com.jniwrapper.Int row)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tableView
- tableColumn
- row
- public void parser_foundComment(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String comment)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- comment
- public void parser_didStartMappingPrefix_toURI(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String namespaceURI)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- prefix
- namespaceURI
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isProxy()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void takeValue_forKeyPath(Id value, java.lang.String keyPath)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.value
- keyPath
- public void archiverDidFinish(NSKeyedArchiver archiver)
public void textView_draggedCell_inRect_event(NSTextView view, Id cell, NSRect rect, NSEvent event)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.view
- cell
- rect
- event
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingIsGreaterThan(Id object)
public void outlineViewColumnDidMove(NSNotification notification)
public void applicationDidBecomeActive(NSNotification notification)
public void archiver_willReplaceObject_withObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver, Id object, Id newObject)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.archiver
- object
- newObject
- public Id valueForUndefinedKey(java.lang.String key)
public com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat splitView_constrainSplitPosition_ofSubviewAt(NSSplitView splitView, com.jniwrapper.SingleFloat proposedPosition, com.jniwrapper.Int index)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.splitView
- proposedPosition
- index
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isLessThan(Id object)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void indicesOfObjectsByEvaluatingObjectSpecifier(NSScriptObjectSpecifier specifier)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toOneRelationshipKeys()
public void drawerDidClose(NSNotification notification)
public Id valueWithName_inPropertyWithKey(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String key)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- key
- public Id outlineView_persistentObjectForItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public void sound_didFinishPlaying(NSSound sound, boolean aBool)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sound
- aBool
- public Id accessibilityAttributeValue(java.lang.String attribute)
public com.jniwrapper.Int browser_numberOfRowsInColumn(NSBrowser sender, com.jniwrapper.Int column)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- column
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void scriptingProperties()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isLike(java.lang.String object)
public Id mutableCopy()
public void download_didCreateDestination(NSURLDownload download, java.lang.String path)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- path
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool drawerShouldClose(NSDrawer sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool validateMenuItem(Id menuItem)
public void tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems(NSTabView TabView)
public void tabView_didSelectTabViewItem(NSTabView tabView, NSTabViewItem tabViewItem)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.tabView
- tabViewItem
- public void unbind(java.lang.String binding)
public void textStorageDidProcessEditing(NSNotification notification)
public Id archiver_willEncodeObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver, Id object)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.archiver
- object
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers(NSToolbar toolbar)
public void windowWillClose(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool isGreaterThan(Id object)
public com.jniwrapper.UInt comboBoxCell_indexOfItemWithStringValue(NSComboBoxCell aComboBoxCell, java.lang.String string)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBoxCell
- string
- public void parser_foundCharacters(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String string)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- string
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool isNotEqualTo(Id object)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void mutableArrayValueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public void archiver_didEncodeObject(NSKeyedArchiver archiver, Id object)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.archiver
- object
- public static void static_setVersion(com.jniwrapper.Int aVersion)
public void netServiceDidStop(NSNetService sender)
public void outlineViewItemDidExpand(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_shouldSelectItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public Id storedValueForKey(java.lang.String key)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void objectSpecifier()
public void unarchiverWillFinish(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool textView_clickedOnLink(NSTextView textView, Id link)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.textView
- link
- public Id self()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void speechSynthesizer_didFinishSpeaking(NSSpeechSynthesizer sender, boolean finishedSpeaking)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- finishedSpeaking
- public CClass valueClassForBinding(java.lang.String binding)
public void application_openFiles(NSApplication sender, NSArray filenames)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- filenames
- public void parser_foundUnparsedEntityDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID_notationName(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID, java.lang.String notationName)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- name
- publicID
- systemID
- notationName
- public void outlineViewItemWillCollapse(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void undoManagerForTextView(NSTextView view)
public void netServiceBrowserWillSearch(NSNetServiceBrowser aNetServiceBrowser)
public void observeValueForKeyPath_ofObject_change_context(java.lang.String keyPath, Id object, NSDictionary change, com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void context)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.keyPath
- object
- change
- context
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool windowShouldClose(Id sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool performDragOperation(Id sender)
public void parser_foundNotationDeclarationWithName_publicID_systemID(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String publicID, java.lang.String systemID)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- name
- publicID
- systemID
- public void parser_foundIgnorableWhitespace(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String whitespaceString)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- whitespaceString
- public void netServiceWillResolve(NSNetService sender)
public void connectionDidFinishLoading(NSURLConnection connection)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool readSelectionFromPasteboard(NSPasteboard pboard)
public void windowDidResize(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void windowWillReturnUndoManager(NSWindow window)
public static void static_initialize()
public static com.jniwrapper.Bool static_instancesRespondToSelector(Sel aSelector)
public void windowWillBeginSheet(NSNotification notification)
public Id accessibilityFocusedUIElement()
public CClass classForKeyedArchiver()
public com.jniwrapper.Bool commitEditing()
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void download_willSendRequest_redirectResponse(NSURLDownload download, NSURLRequest request, NSURLResponse redirectResponse)
method of the NSObject Objective-C
- request
- redirectResponse
- public com.jniwrapper.UInt32 classCode()
public void drawerWillClose(NSNotification notification)
public static void static_setKeys_triggerChangeNotificationsForDependentKey(NSArray keys, java.lang.String dependentKey)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.keys
- dependentKey
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void applicationDockMenu(NSApplication sender)
public void pasteboardChangedOwner(NSPasteboard sender)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool outlineView_shouldCollapseItem(NSOutlineView outlineView, Id item)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.outlineView
- item
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingIsLessThan(Id object)
public void windowDidMiniaturize(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void toolbar_itemForItemIdentifier_willBeInsertedIntoToolbar(NSToolbar toolbar, java.lang.String itemIdentifier, boolean flag)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.toolbar
- itemIdentifier
- flag
- public void control_didFailToValidatePartialString_errorDescription(NSControl control, java.lang.String string, java.lang.String error)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.control
- string
- error
- public void splitViewWillResizeSubviews(NSNotification notification)
public void applicationWillUpdate(NSNotification notification)
public void windowDidBecomeMain(NSNotification notification)
public void controlTextDidEndEditing(NSNotification obj)
public com.jniwrapper.UInt comboBox_indexOfItemWithStringValue(NSComboBox aComboBox, java.lang.String string)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.aComboBox
- string
- public void netServiceDidResolveAddress(NSNetService sender)
public void windowDidBecomeKey(NSNotification notification)
public void parser_foundAttributeDeclarationWithName_forElement_type_defaultValue(NSXMLParser parser, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String defaultValue)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.parser
- attributeName
- elementName
- type
- defaultValue
- public void windowDidEndSheet(NSNotification notification)
public void takeValuesFromDictionary(NSDictionary properties)
public void splitViewDidResizeSubviews(NSNotification notification)
public com.jniwrapper.Bool prepareForDragOperation(Id sender)
public Id unarchiver_didDecodeObject(NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver, Id object)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.unarchiver
- object
- public void draggedImage_movedTo(NSImage image, NSPoint screenPoint)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.image
- screenPoint
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows(NSApplication sender, boolean flag)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.sender
- flag
- public com.jniwrapper.Pointer.Void description()
in interface NSObjectProtocol
public void connection_didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(NSURLConnection connection, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge)
method of the NSObject Objective-C class.connection
- challenge
- public com.jniwrapper.Bool scriptingIsEqualTo(Id object)