package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality.See: Description
Class | Description |
Bitmap |
This class represents common functionality for working with bitmaps.
Bitmap.Compression |
Class Compression represents compression level enumeration.
Bitmap.PredefinedBitmap |
Class PredefinedBitmap enumeration represents predefined windows bitmaps.
BitmapFileHeader |
This class represents BITMAPFILEHEADER structure.
BitmapInfo |
This class represents BITMAPINFO structure.
BitmapInfoHeader |
This class represents the wrapper for
BitmapStructure |
This class represents BITMAP structure.
BlendFunction |
BlendStructure containts parameters for the AlphaBlend function.
Brush |
This class provides methods and enumerations to work with brushes.
Brush.BrushStyle |
BrushStyle class represents the enumeration of brush styles.
Brush.HatchStyle |
HatchStyle class represents the enumeration of hatch styles.
Brush.StockBrush |
Enumeration of stock brushes.
ColorRef |
This class represents COLORREF structure.
Cursor |
This class provides various methods for working with the cursor.
Cursor.CursorKind |
This enumeration (IDC_*) specifies various types of the cursor.
Cursor.CursorPositionCode |
CursorPositionCode class represents the enumeration of the mouse position codes.
DC |
This class provides methods for working with Windows device contexts (DC).
DC.MappingMode |
Enumeration of available mapping modes.
DC.RasterOperation |
The RasterOperation class represents the enumeration of raster operations.
DDBitmap |
This class provides functionality for working with bitmaps in DDB (device-dependent bitmap) format.
DevMode |
This structure corresponds to a native
DEVMODE structure. |
DevMode.PaperStructure | |
DIBitmap |
This class provides functionality for working with bitmaps in DIB (device-independent bitmap ) format.
DibSection |
This class represents DIBSECTION structure.
EnumFamCallBack | |
Font |
The Font class represents the HFONT type.
Gdi32 |
This class provides a wrapper over Win32 GDI functions.
GdiObject |
An abstract base for all GDI objects.
GdiObject.ImageLoadParameters |
ImageLoadParameters class.
GdiObject.ImageType |
Class ImageType represents the enumeration of windows image types.
GdiObject.Type |
GdiObjectType class represents the enumeration of standard GDI object types.
GradientRect |
Represents GRADIENT_RECT native structure.
Icon |
This class represents generic methods to work with icons.
Icon.IconType |
IconType represents the enumeration of default icon types.
Icon.SystemIcon | |
IconInfo |
This class represents ICONINFO structure.
LogBrush |
This class represents the
LogFont |
The LogFont class represents the LOGFONT structure.
LogPalette |
The LogPalette class represents the LOGPALETTE structure.
Msimg32 |
This class wraps the functionality provided by MSIMG32 library.
PaletteEntry |
PaletteEntry class represents PALETTEENTRY structure.
Pen | |
PolyFillMode |
PolyFillMode class represents EnumItemeration of poly fill modes.
PrintParameters |
This class describes set of pages in document to print, number of copies to print.
Region |
This class provides operations on region objects.
Region.CombineMode |
CombineMode class represents EnumItemeration of combined operations.
RGBQuad |
This class represents RGBQUAD structure.
SystemColor |
SystemColor class provides the ability to read and write system colors.
TextMetric | |
TriVertex | |
WindowDC |
WindowDC class provides the ability to retrieve a DC from a specified window.
package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality.
GDI allows you to work with native window DC, icons, bitmaps, fonts etc.